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Patient Information Event – 12.03.25 6.00pm -7.15pm

We hope many of you will attend this live on-line event. If not do not worry – we will post the video link as soon as we can on our websites so that you can watch it back at a later date. 

If you cannot join the meeting from home – there are a small number of seats available at Sixpenny Handley Surgery and for Broad Chalke patients please attend the village hall.

  1. Introductions ​
  2. Update on our practice boundaries and sites​
  3. How to see a GP: Same day care pathway ​
  4. Long term condition care pathway​
  5. Out of hours and community services​
  6. Additional services to be offered​
  7. Spring 2025 Covid Clinics​
  8. Questions​
  9. Close

On the night patients via the live teams will be able to type their questions to us so we will do our best to answer as many of them in the remaining time we have. We hope the talk in itself will answer many of your concerns.

To join the event on the night please use the following link –