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Practice News – Update

Dear Patients,

Further to our announcement of a merger between Sarum Health Group and Sixpenny Handley GP Practices, we would like to invite you to a patient participation meeting on 12th March 2025 at 18:00.

The aim of this meeting is for you to meet the partnership team, and for us to update you on the opportunities the merger will bring. We will also address any questions you may have.

To enable as many of you as possible to be involved, we will host this meeting online via Microsoft Teams. For those who are unable to join from home in this way, we will provide access at each surgery site. Please note that space on site will be limited, and we would appreciate it if you could make every effort to join remotely.

To join the event on the night please use the following link –

Best wishes

Dr Gill Hawdon, Dr Chet Sheth, Julia Hackforth and Matthew Burnett.