Feedback and complaints

Our aim is to provide you with a high standard of medical treatment and care. We are anxious to learn of any instances where you may feel that we have fallen short of our aim.

We take any comments seriously and you are free to talk to any doctor or member of staff when you feel a matter could have been better handled. We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, often at the time they arise and with the person concerned.

We always welcome suggestions and favourable comments!

Giving feedback

To provide feedback:

Making a complaint

For any issue serious enough to make you feel you have a complaint, we have set up an in-house complaints procedure.

To allow us to investigate thoroughly, please explain what has happened and what action you would like us to take to remedy the issue.

You will find our practice charter displayed in each waiting room. A leaflet outlining our complaints procedure is available from reception.