Dispensary team
- Karen Corfield
- Kate Leonard
- Jane Orman
- Carolyne Bowes
- Anne Wills
- Debbie Jacobs
- Jackie Butchart
- Becky Barrett-Mead
Health visitors
Our health visitors offer advice and support in all aspects of the care of children, especially the under 5 year olds. They are involved in antenatal care, mother care, and child health sessions.
The health visitor can advice on health promotion and support at times of difficulty or crises, especially in the family.
The health visiting teams are county based. If you wish to contact your health visitor please contact reception for details
Attached staff
Midwives are located off the premises and run remote clinics to support their patient workload.
PCN staff
Maria Smales
Elder care facilitator nurse
Gail Volney
Care coordinator
Diane Stage
Musculoskeletal practitioner
Yvonne Dumas